『戒掉爛英文2』是『戒掉爛英文』的續集,於今年 1 月出版,某些重要觀念在『戒掉職場冏英文』特刊已經介紹過,所以簡單節錄各章節中的實用句子:
1. 針對 double confirm 和 reconfirm 的差異,這本書裡比『戒掉職場冏英文』介紹更詳盡。Double 意指「兩倍」,和 Re 的「再次」不一樣,例如 The room has double doors. (double 當形容詞) 和 I am willing to pay double. (double 當副詞). 讓我們來看以下兩者的差別:
1) Double-lock a door => 用「兩道」鎖把門鎖好
2) Relock a door => 「重新」把門鎖好
一般上班時所說的再次確認,是以 reconfirm 較為恰當。與人確認日期可以說:
- I called to reconfirm the date.
- I called for second confirmation.
- I called to confirm again.
2. 有些人簡報結束會說 That’s it / That’s all / That’s about it / That’s all I have to say. 雖然中文是「我說完了」,但老外聽起來就像 I don’t have anything else to say / There is nothing else I want to say / There is nothing else I could say. 我無話可說 / 我沒有想說的事了。較好的說法是 Thank you for your time. 或 Now I’ll try to answer any questions you may have. 之前買過的一本簡報書籍還建議可以說 It’s been a pleasure speaking with you. At this time, I’d be happy to answer your questions.
1. 比方有人問你 Do you have any good idea? 而你需要爭取時間思考如何回話時,可以說:Well, let me see… 這邊的 see 意思是「考慮」或「盤算」。當你想表達難以啟齒的事情或化解尷尬時,可以說:How should I put it…/ I’m not sure how to put this. 而你一時之間想不出要說的東西的英文時,就說: What do you call it? 至於回答不了別人的提問時,乾脆說:You’ve got me. / Beats me. 意思是「你可考倒我了」。
2. 如果你和老外沒話講,或者想吸引他們注意,可以說: Guess what? / You know what? (你知道嗎) 例如: Guess what? I got a job offer. 前陣子參加過公司的「社交英文課程」,講師還建議過: Believe it or not.
3. 別人找你幫忙自己卻不懂那件事情時,與其說 I am sorry I can’t help you 比較得體的說法是 Sorry but that isn’t my strong suit. (不好意思,這不是我的強項) 另外,忙不過來無法幫忙時,與其說 I don’t have time, 較好的說法是 Unfortunately, I’ve had a few things coming up. (真不巧,手邊正好有事情) 或者 I’m afraid I’m in the middle of something. (我正好有其他事情要做).
【E-mail 大補帖】
1. email 的大忌之一就是使用太多驚嘆號,以下的用法都太誇張了:
- 每一句都用驚嘆號結尾
It was a pleasure meeting you yesterday!
Looking forward to our next encounter!
Take care!
- 連用三個驚嘆號
I can’t believe it!!! 或者 Good job!!!
其實只要說 Well done! 或 Outstanding! 用一個驚嘆號就是漂亮的結尾。
2. Email 的另一個大忌就是主旨過度簡化,會造成日後搜尋相關主題非常不方便。如果客戶或同事的主旨沒有寫得很清楚,我會在回信時更改主旨並加上必要資訊,例如專案或產品名稱。
1. 談判時應避免強勢地說 take it or leave it (不要就拉倒),可以提出折衷方案,例如:May I suggest we sign a 3-months contract on a 5 percent discount? We can see if we can reduce the price further afterwards. (可否容我建議雙方先簽署一份降價 5% 的三個月合約,之後再決定是否有機會再調降)
2. 客戶一提出需求,馬上就回答 It’s unacceptable…過於直接,可以說:I am sure each of us can compromise a little for long term cooperation. How about… (為了長期合作關係,我們雙方可以各退一步, 不如…) 假設真的有困難,就說 I’m afraid that’s as far as we could go. Perhaps we can consider it next time. (恐怕我們只能做到這樣,也許下次可以再考慮).